How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

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By Micheal Reason

When it comes to monitoring the performance of your applications and infrastructure, New Relic is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive insights. One essential feature it offers is synthetics monitoring, which allows you to simulate user interactions and monitor the availability and responsiveness of your applications from various locations. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic, ensuring that you can harness its full potential to optimize your application’s performance.

Understanding Synthetics Monitoring

What is Synthetics Monitoring?

Synthetics monitoring is a powerful tool that allows you to create scripted tests that simulate user interactions with your applications. These synthetic tests run periodically from various locations and provide insights into the availability, performance, and functionality of your applications. By simulating real user interactions, you can proactively detect issues and ensure a smooth user experience.

Why is Synthetics Monitoring Important?

Synthetic monitoring plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of your applications. It helps you identify potential bottlenecks, pinpoint performance degradation, and detect outages before they impact your users. With synthetics, you can gain valuable data to optimize your application’s performance and ensure it meets user expectations.

Getting Started with New Relic

Creating a New Relic Account

Before diving into synthetics monitoring, you need to create a New Relic account. Simply visit the New Relic website, sign up, and follow the account creation process. Once your account is set up, you can access the New Relic dashboard and get started with setting up synthetics.

Installing the New Relic Agent

To make the most of synthetics monitoring, you’ll need to install the New Relic agent on your application servers. The agent collects performance data and sends it to your New Relic account, allowing you to monitor your application’s performance in real time.

Setting up Synthetics Monitoring

Accessing Synthetics in New Relic

Once your New Relic account is set up, log in to the dashboard and navigate to the Synthetics tab. Here, you can access all the features related to synthetics monitoring.

Adding Monitors

To create a new synthetic test, click on the “New Monitor” button. Choose the type of monitor you want to create, such as a simple ping test or a scripted browser test.

Configuring Monitor Options

After selecting the monitor type, you can configure various options, such as the URL to test, the locations from which the test will run, and the frequency of the test runs.

Writing Monitor Scripts

Understanding Scripting Options

Scripted browser tests allow you to interact with your application just like a real user. You can click buttons, fill out forms, and verify the responses. Understanding the available scripting options will help you write comprehensive tests.

Writing Basic Scripts

Start with simple scripts that mimic the most critical user interactions. Gradually add complexity to your scripts to cover more scenarios and edge cases.

Advanced Scripting Techniques

Explore advanced scripting techniques to simulate complex user behaviors and interactions. Use conditions, loops, and custom error handling to make your tests more robust.

Analyzing Synthetics Data

Viewing Monitor Results

As your synthetic tests run, you’ll start to accumulate valuable data. Access the monitor results in the New Relic dashboard to see response times, error rates, and other key metrics.

Analyzing Performance Trends

Use the data from synthetics tests to identify performance trends and patterns. This information will help you make informed decisions to optimize your application’s performance.

Identifying and Resolving Issues

When issues arise, synthetics monitoring helps you identify the root cause quickly. Use the data to troubleshoot and resolve any performance-related problems.

Synthetics and Alerting

Setting Up Alert Policies

To get real-time notifications about application issues, set up alert policies based on specific conditions. For example, you can receive an alert if your synthetic test fails from multiple locations.

Customizing Alert Conditions

Fine-tune your alert conditions to avoid unnecessary noise. Adjust thresholds and sensitivity levels to ensure you only receive alerts for critical issues.

Integrating Synthetics with Other New Relic Features

Combining with APM Monitoring

Integrate synthetics data with New Relic’s Application Performance Monitoring (APM) to gain a comprehensive understanding of your application’s performance.

Correlating with Infrastructure Metrics

Combine synthetics data with infrastructure metrics to get a holistic view of your application’s performance, including server health and resource utilization.

Best Practices for Synthetics Monitoring

Monitoring Frequency and Locations

Choose appropriate monitoring frequencies and locations to ensure you get accurate data from various geographic regions.

Managing Large-Scale Environments

For applications with a large-scale infrastructure, adopt a structured approach to manage synthetics tests efficiently.

Troubleshooting Synthetics Issues

Diagnosing Failures

When a synthetic test fails, follow a systematic approach to diagnose the root cause and take appropriate corrective actions.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Learn from common challenges faced by other users and proactively address potential issues.

Security Considerations for Synthetics

Safeguarding Sensitive Data

Ensure that your synthetic tests do not expose sensitive data during interactions.

Restricting Access and Permissions

Control access to synthetics monitoring features to prevent unauthorized changes to your tests.

The Future of Synthetics Monitoring

New Relic’s Roadmap

Stay informed about the upcoming features and enhancements planned for synthetics monitoring by following New Relic’s roadmap.

Upcoming Features and Enhancements

Be on the lookout for new features that will further enhance your synthetics monitoring experience.


Synthetics monitoring in New Relic is a game-changer for ensuring the optimal performance and availability of your applications. By simulating user interactions from various locations, you gain valuable insights into your application’s performance, helping you identify issues and address them proactively. With the power of New Relic’s synthetics monitoring, you can provide a seamless user experience and boost customer satisfaction.


Synthetics monitoring in New Relic is a game-changer for ensuring the optimal performance and availability of your applications. By simulating user interactions from various locations, you gain valuable insights into your application’s performance, helping you identify issues and address them proactively. With the power of New Relic’s synthetics monitoring, you can provide a seamless user experience and boost customer satisfaction.


How often should I run synthetics tests?
It depends on your application’s criticality and the frequency of updates. For critical applications, consider running tests every few minutes, while less critical ones can be tested less frequently.

Can I simulate mobile device interactions with synthetics?
Yes, New Relic’s synthetics monitoring allows you to simulate interactions from various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Is scripting knowledge required to create synthetics tests?
While basic scripting knowledge can be helpful, New Relic provides an easy-to-use interface to create synthetics tests without writing extensive code.

Can I use synthetics for API monitoring?
Absolutely! Synthetics monitoring can be used to test and monitor APIs, ensuring they are functioning correctly.

How do I handle dynamic content in my tests?
You can use dynamic variables and parameters in your scripts to handle dynamic content, making your tests more resilient.

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